A Message from the Dean
St. Joseph’s College of Nursing is dedicated to educating and inspiring students to become compassionate healers who demonstrate integrity, innovation, caring and excellence. Graduates of our program consistently exceed state and national averages for passage rates on the NCLEX. Many of our graduates refine their skills and expand their knowledge as they move from student to becoming fully competent in their profession at St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center, a world-class institution recognized with prestigious awards for excellence in nursing. Those who seek employment elsewhere are recognized for the outstanding education they received at St. Joseph’s College of Nursing.
The challenges the profession of nursing faces have a multitude of factors. Emerging diseases (COVID the most recent), transformation in the health care sector, cyclical and on-going staffing shortages, social factors that affect health status and other factors impact the care nurses can provide. I am committed to ensuring our graduates are prepared for these challenges and to rise above them to deliver the excellent and compassionate care patients deserve.
The nursing profession, at its heart, is one of the most rewarding careers one could choose. Nursing is consistently rated as the most trusted profession and viewed as a noble and honorable profession. The variety of settings, patient demographics, and roles (bedside nurse, public health nurse, educator, researcher, infection control, advanced practice, administration, etc.) means, for the person who is successful in mastering the educational requirements for practice, you will find before you an inherently rewarding career with many rewarding opportunities.
Andrew Wolf, EdD, RN, AGACNP-BC